Thursday 23 February 2012

22nd February:Band Photoshoot

Today at lunchtime the group did a band photoshoot , this included members of the ban Charlie Morgan, Nick Bereen, and Luke Desbrough. Me , Antalia, Tayo and Nick were present at the shoot. We used a digital camera and the green screen. Here are some picture I took using my iPod and the picture that were taken of the band.

Individual band shots taken by Antalia

Individual band shots taken by me

Individual band shots taken by me

Individual band shot being taken by Nick

Individual band member shots taken by Antalia

Tayo taking pictures of the band

Tayo taking pictures of the band

Here are what the pictures look like from the digital camera


We used a combination of shot during the shoot including close-ups, mid-shots,and side on shots. We also experimented with using the dark screen and light screen to see where the pictures came out most effective, artifivail lighting was used to cause the effect of the band members faces being darker on one side. I think the pictures look most effective using the dark screen with artificial light personally. I will use some of these pictures in my ancillary task.

1 comment:

  1. Kike
    You should compare your images to some from existing products to demonstrate how you are conforming to the genre you have chosen. Your blogs generally lack depth of analysis. That does not mean to say you should write more text, rather focus on a theory or aspect of genre which is being applied, eg; for uses and gratification theory explain why will people want to see your video.
    Mr. White
